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    This research article shows Support for the Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana Pertaining to Alzheimer’s. The research article can be found here: http: drugnews v05 n307 a10.html ABSTRACT: “New Spanish and Israeli research shows that a synthetic… Yes, medical marijuana is legal in Missouri; however, recreational marijuana is not. The state voted in favor of MMJ back in 2018. In November 2004, a ballot measure to decriminalize cannabis in Columbia passed with 61% of the vote. The measure stipulated that possession of up to 35 grams was to be processed in municipal court as a non-criminal offense, punishable by a maximum fine of $250. Also passed with 69% of the vote was an initiative to allow the use of cannabis with a physician’s approval. England founded the St. Louis Cannabis Club, which connects people with resources for medical marijuana consumption and assists entrepreneurs with interest in the medical marijuna industry. One such effort involved starting the state’s first cannabis consumption site, the Cola Lounge.
    Medical cannabis is regulated by the Government of Canada and will continue to be subject to different rules than recreational cannabis. In Canada, the government rejected the Le Dain proposal to remove criminal penalties for cannabis possession. And, in the post-Le Dain years, there have been ongoing calls for law reform and growing popular support for relaxing penalties for cannabis possession. These appeals have also been rejected and neglected.3 The Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples studied the bill as it relates to the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Condominium boards also have the ability to pass bylaws respecting the smoking or cultivation of cannabis in their complexes. For more information on how condominium boards regulate activities, please refer to the Condominium Fact Sheet for Bylaws.

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